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Kelli Younglove mindset coach

Hey You

We've got work to do!


It's time to join forces with it!

You weren't meant to be a helpless victim of circumstances. 

You were meant to be a collaborative partner with the creative intelligence of life.  Instead of projecting fear and anxiety onto your future, LET'S TEAM UP INSTEAD!   I'll help you move past struggle and uncertainty into full alignment with your highest, most powerful self. 


Below are 3 coaching package options where you can work with me privately 1:1  (although a Single Session is also available).

3 weeks of private coaching with Kelli Younglove



This is where you lay everything on the table so we can examine whatever's been coming up or trying to get your attention.


For 3 weeks, it will be just me and yougetting clear about what you're feeling, what your heart really wants and the best strategy to go about getting it. 

2 months of private coaching with Kelli Younglove



It's time to get past what's not working and DO something about it. 


This package includes everything the 3 Weeks offers plus 3 extra sessions so you can get out of uncertainty and overwhelm and start taking strategic steps forward.


For 2 months, I'll be here to make sure that you keep taking those steps and that your motivation is on track. 


Because action that's driven by fear or self-criticism ISN'T going to create the powerful results you want. 


Instead of forcing yourself toward your goals with a whip, you'll learn how to strengthen your alliance with life so the process of achievement is actually enjoyable.

Coaching Package



Ready to change, achieve, or release something BIG?  Then this is where you take a stand and commit to going all the way.   


No more waiting passively for something to happen—stuck in indecision or looking to someone else to make your dreams come true.  


This 1 year journey is all about choosing YOURSELF and being the hero of your own life.  Real change doesn't happen in 3 sessions.  Aha's happen. 


REAL change is achieved by consistently putting those aha's to work on a day-to-day basis and getting the support you need to stay on course. 


If you're going to go the distance, you'll need something stronger than will-power. You'll need a connection to purpose, a willingness to face your discomfort, and a really great coach in your corner. 

two coaches collaborating together
Plus, a new opportunity to work with me and Jaya the Trust Coach! 


Book a complimentary Kelli Consultation and let's chat.
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