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You Have Exactly What It Takes

Kelli Younglove

It's time to start waving good-bye to 2023 so we can open our hearts to the new year on the way.

Or is your heart not so sure?

Most people I talk with are busy shuttering that part of themselves up, bracing for another hard year.

After nonstop bad news, what can one hope to expect but more of the same?

This makes sense if we use our current view of reality as the template for future creation. 

But do we really want to create something from that limited, sorrowful cloth?

New things only emerge when we imagine something DIFFERENT and BETTER than the things that are currently broken.If you want 2024 to be kinder and gentler—more meaningful, more humane—I've got great news!  

You have exactly what it takes to bring that into existence. 

Even if you're not fully aware of it, you possess a high level of creativity and big-picture awareness. You've got an internal guidance system that knows what's truly important and the next best action step in the now-moment to take.The building blocks of something brand new are INSIDE YOU. 

  • that hot coal of desire at your core

  • your keen curiosity

  • your deeper awareness, your empathy, your PRESENCE 

  • your humour and your childlike wonder 

You also have a noble anger that will tell you what needs to change, and the wisdom of your heart to guide you like a brilliant north star.

You may not realize your full genius or capability yet, but it's in you.

You weren't born to settle for "what is" or recreate old patterns of unconsciousness. 

You were born to INNOVATE, to build something GOOD for yourself and all those around you.And whether you start from scratch or re-assemble the current parts of your life in a brand new way, you have the perfect tools at your disposal and a solid foundation to build on. 

YOU control what you give your energy to, where you place your attention, and how (and where) you spend your time. 

If you choose to focus on fear (and strengthen the survival part of your brain) instead of tuning into your inner wisdom with all its glorious resources, then 2024 isn't going to be very happy or new. 

But if you partner with possibility? 

If you tend to your connection to your higher self?

If you pull your eye away from the keyhole of limitation and allow a larger truth to fill your view?

Just think of what you could change or bring into this world. 

And what a positive force you could be.

Sending you so much love,



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