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Are You Letting Go of the Baton?

Kelli Younglove

If you’ve ever watched a relay race, you know the importance of letting go of the baton.

It wouldn't work if a runner refused to pass it on to their partner.

Relay races are team events.  They're all about collaboration.

Hang onto to the rod, and you'll jam up the system, turning the race into a combative game of tug-of-war.

Would that even make sense?

And yet, that’s exactly what many of us do in our day-to-day lives. We get confused and think we're running the race alone.

We start believing we're responsible for the outcome, that success is solely up to us.We forget our teammates and run right past their outstretched hands.

This is when life gets HARD.

Survivor mindset is all about separation, every person for themself. 

That kind of thinking disconnects us from the rest of the village and the wealth of support and talent actually available to us. 

Even if you're extremely capable, or independent, (or introverted like I am), you're still a part of something BIGGER.

Call it the kinship of humanity, or the orchestration, or the organizing force of an intelligent Universe, there's a larger truth that connects us to everything.

I've seen evidence of this again and again—right-timing prevailing, information appearing, next steps illuminating, strangers stepping in, good things springing out of unwanted circumstances. 

You may think you're on your own, running for the gold, but you're really a part of an intricate network.

Your one and only job is to run your leg of the race and then PASS THE BATON.

If you're still gripping tightly, fighting for control, stop and check in.

Are you're afraid of losing your perceived sense of power?  Do you think letting go means giving up?

If so, let me remind you that letting go is actually the biggest contribution you could make.

Your release allows others to use their gifts and discover their own abilities.  It allows them to feel the pride of contribution and the joy of accomplishment.

I promise you, you're not meant to do life alone.

If you're operating from an fear-based need to be in charge, you're missing out on a beautiful alliance.

Why not change that today?

You don't need to have everything figured out.

You don't need to know what's going to happen next. 

You just need to attend to what's in front of you and stay in your lane.

There are helping hands all around you, even if you can't see them.

Take a moment to acknowledge that. Then pass the baton. 

Sending you so much love,

P.S. If you've worked with me or taken my boundary course, you know there are only three kinds of business.

  • Yours

  • Theirs 

  • God's/Universe's 

Much of our anxiety and overwhelm is caused by overstepping—taking on all three, instead of focusing on what's ours. Trying to do EVERYTHING is a sign of a boundary breakdown.  If you're resorting to controlling behaviour and would like compassionate support, CLICK HERE to learn how to work with me privately.


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