Kelli YoungloveApr 2, 2017Your Medicine Will Find YouFor the last few years, I’ve been slogging my way through A Course In Miracles. And I’ll be honest. I’m not a grade A student. I’ve...
Kelli YoungloveApr 2, 2016Your Nightmares are Trying to Tell You SomethingDid I ever tell you about the time my dog ate a three-pound wheel of cheese and then turned into a ballerina? What? I DIDN'T? Then let...
Kelli YoungloveMar 1, 2014The Day Green Jello SpokeI hate Jell-O. Always have. Always will. I can eat live conk straight from the ocean, but Jell-O? The thought sends a shiver down the...
Kelli YoungloveFeb 1, 2014How To Dance Your Way Out of a ProblemIf you read my very first blog, then you know about a breakthrough that changed the course of my life and started me on the path to...
Kelli YoungloveJan 1, 2014The Real Story Behind TalkToTreeWelcome to the first edition of TalktoTree. If you don’t like the name, it’s okay. I get it. But there’s a story behind it you may find...