Kelli YoungloveJul 2, 2019The Art of Critical Thought.This is the last entry in my blog series, Brain vs Heart. I started this series because so many of us are caught in a Mind/Body—Yin/Yang...
Kelli YoungloveMay 1, 2019Helping BrainLast month, I introduced you to two of my favourite characters (created and illustrated by Nick Seluk of The Awkward Yeti) If you read...
Kelli YoungloveApr 2, 2019Brain Vs. Heart.When one of my clients introduced me to the Awkward Yeti's newest spin-off— HEART and BRAIN— I fell in love. Hard. There's something...
Kelli YoungloveApr 2, 2016Your Nightmares are Trying to Tell You SomethingDid I ever tell you about the time my dog ate a three-pound wheel of cheese and then turned into a ballerina? What? I DIDN'T? Then let...
Kelli YoungloveMay 2, 2014Keep Your Promises or ElseWhen we let our intellect lead (instead of leading the intellect) we start forgetting the promises we made to our heart. We start to compro
Kelli YoungloveFeb 1, 2014How To Dance Your Way Out of a ProblemIf you read my very first blog, then you know about a breakthrough that changed the course of my life and started me on the path to...